Holy Hell, it's been almost two months already. How lame am I?
I finally went back to school, so maybe someday I can have a real job, because although I adore my many fans when I'm behind (or on) the bar, I'm damn tired of living day-to-day on tips.
Plus, drunken idiots annoy me, and here in Owatonna it's quite taboo to physically remove people from the premises. Also lame. In San Antonio I was fairly famous for throwing a drunken, schizophrenic, male thief into the street of the downtown Riverwalk district. Hells yeah. Then he got arrested, and I took three shots to calm my steroidal nerves.
I'm currently trying to gain employment at the Country Club. I believe it to be a serious snob snooze-fest and just thinking about working there makes me want to convulse. But money is a necessity at the moment, mostly because after months of Mother's help while Rudy was incapacitated from two surgeries and I was recovering from the whole phenomenon known as "pregnancy," she pretty much drained every penny she had.
It doesn't help that my awesome (presently hateful) car has required its clutch being replaced, as well as the radiator, fan, hoses and all four brakes, and spark plugs! We've put more into repairing that stupid car than it's worth. Ugh.
Which brings me to the whole point of us needing to repair our credit. The move and lack of jobs, plus surgeries and pregnancy has pretty much destroyed us. If there is something worse than no credit, it's bad credit. Thankfully the whole going-back-to-school crap has allowed me the opportunity to acquire some additional funds with which to get my bills paid off.
Right now I am surprised at how much I have to say. Go me.
Afton is amazing. She rolls over, laughs, and sits up. She has two teeth and puts everything in her mouth. She loves avocado and spicy, mashed up foods thanks to her Mexican genes, since she definitely didn't acquire that from my Scandanvian, lutefisk loving genes. OK, I do not love cod soaked in lye, or any other seafood soaked in
anything for that matter. But she is awesome. I am determined to exploit her unparalleled cuteness for her future benefit, by winning the Parents Magazine Cover Baby contest. Booyah.
Someday, I too will be cute. Stupid overweightness. I'm on my second round of hCG, and for some reason my weight has stopped coming off. Not good, especially when I ordered my wedding dress one size small in anticipation of my hCG overload. I will probably be doing an apple day tomorrow, and I will suffer relentlessly. We'll see what happens.