Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yikes, it's been a long time.

I can't believe it's been over one month now since the last time I posted on here. It just doesn't seem even remotely possible. And now, with a mere...9 days left before Delaney arrives, I feel so insanely overwhelmed I can barely function!

Or maybe it's simply because I've morphed into a planet with my own gravitational pull?

Delaney will be delivered via C-Section on the 13th, should she not decide to ruffle things up sooner. Secretly (well, not so secretly anymore) I hope things progress faster as my blood pressure has now jumped and I'm having so many contractions I could kill with my eyes. Stupid hormones making me all crazy. I need a vacation from my body already, and my life, that would be grand.

The crib has been reassembled and all my old sheets are on it again. Still looks cute, of course, though I do wish for newer supplies every now and again. It's been a very tough time with the gas issue and then Rudy's job tanking terribly. We've been living on next to nothing and it's scary when you're trying to prep for another person to take care of. I desperately try not to think about it, but when you can't sleep for all the other pains in the world, it's almost impossible keeping it from the forefront of my mind. Ugh.

You gotta to do whatcha gotta do, whatcha gotta do.

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