Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tough Times.

Oh how I long to have internet back at home. Our economic climate is a wee bit on the dismal side, and so now, with neither Rudy or I working, we are constantly struggling just to buy food. I never thought I would see a day where finding food would become an issue. I've lived without television and internet before (though I of course went through withdrawal like a drug addict!), but that was minor in comparison, especially when considering we have two children to feed.

Right now, with Rudy in school, we are mostly living off what little extra federal aid he can muster, as well as whatever we may borrow from family and friends. It is definitely no way to live. Stress has us yelling at each other all the time, as opposed to finding constructive solutions to our problems.

I just sit back, sometimes, and picture my babies in my head to try to remember who I'm struggling to be better for. I want them to have the world (when they earn it!), without having to worry if my lights will still be on when I get home.

I am sure there will be many hard decisions coming up fairly quickly, but I believe in the power of our family to survive, because alone I overcame hardship, and with family I can overcome anything.

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