Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I can be obsessive sometimes. Not just your run-of-the-mill obsessiveness, but rather the more hardcore-can'tsleepcauseI'llforgetwhatI'mobsessingabout kind of obsessiveness.

On Facebook, for the past three days, someone was asking about the H1N1 shot and how she wasn't sure she was going to get it and her friends were saying the same thing, but no one had anything remotely relevant to say!

There were zero facts supporting their opinions, and their opinions were often based on myth and rumor.

This immediately sparked obsession, and since the person's friends didn't seem to give two shits about what I was saying, I finally researched about eight different sources of information about the flu, flu shot and everything in between and wrote a huge-ass note in hopes that everyone will read it, get educated, and stop pestering me with complete idiocy!


Now, if after they read all my materials they still opt against the shot, I won't hold it against them, because at least it will now be an informed decision and not one based on what they heard from their sister's mother's cousin's hairdresser.

Talk about annoying.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip :)
    My friends give me grief all the time about all the mistakes I make. haha
