Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back from the Abyss?

Wow, it has been an insane month and a-half. I made it to Iowa for Uncle Don's internment, and made it to Tempe, AZ, to start life number....four? five? I haven't a clue any longer how many times I've just simply picked up and moved on.

Christmas was fun as well as extremely devastating. It would be very hard for anyone to wrap their head around the mess I made for myself before I left, but it's going to take much more than a little soap and water to clean it up. Needless to say, becoming a felon by accident is not something you hear very often. Let's see if I can avoid such nonsense.

Looking for a job while visibly pregnant is not fun.

But the fetus appears to be another girl! I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning, so I will get a nice little second confirmation of gender. Finding a name will be yet another battle between my husband and I, who have totally opposite tastes in names. Ugh.

I am going to make some sugar cookies and then go feed them to my Grandpa while we watch the Cardinals take on the Packers. I may live in AZ now, but I'm still a Packer fan (which is STILL blasphemy considering I'm from MN). Go figure.

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