Saturday, January 16, 2010

Losing the Precious.

When I first gave birth to Afton, I spent a lot of time fantasizing about all the bad things that could happen and basically scaring myself into near agoraphobia. I would think about driving down the road and getting into an accident and being hurt bad enough that I couldn't reach Afton and she would die, screaming and crying, just from being in the elements.

I cannot imagine life without her.

The other week Rudy's brother called and was telling him about his girlfriend's sister's grandmother (which I guess makes her the girlfriend's grandma too, huh) and that she had finally passed away. Passed away? From what? Well apparently the grandmother was watching the sister's seven month old son, and while in the kitchen she got up to get a bottle for the baby and during that time her two pitbulls attacked the baby.

When the grandma tried to save the baby, the pitbulls attacked her too.

The baby died. And now the grandma has passed as well, nine months later. Her injuries weren't marked as being serious, but if this had happened to me, I would probably lose the will to live as well. I just cannot imagine. Just can't.

News Story

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