Thursday, March 11, 2010

My insides are Bewitched!

I have been sick for an entire week now, and I am so absolutely tired of it I could scream! I understand that one's immune system takes a major hit when harboring a fetus, but for someone who never gets sick to fall ill twice in just a few months is, well...annoying to say the least. At least this time I didn't need to go to the hospital, which is a plus.

I feel bad for Afton, though, because I am so wasted tired that I can barely get out of bed/couch/floor/any surface I may be laying on, let alone actively play with her. Everything I do makes me want to fall over, or my heart will start racing and pounding. I can't even sleep anymore because I am so uncomfortable and because of my heart, it's wearing me out! My next appointment is on Tuesday and it cannot come soon enough.

In the meantime I need to muster enough strength to get the house cleaned up, the laundry completed and finish some work on an art project. Oh, and I guess it might be important to feed Afton at some point as well. Poor baby girl.

Did I mention I hate being sick?

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