Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bake me Baked.

When I worked on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, I would often have customers who partook in various drugs such as cocaine and marijuana. One of my more...gypsy-like customers would peddle his weed brownies and cookies. They were delicious, soft and chewy, and they left you with an unbelievable high. Well, not for me, it was too much and I would sleep for like...16 hours straight.

There is a point to this, somewhere.

Rudy and I started watching Weeds the other day and Rudy became so inspired he now wants to start his own bakery filled with deliciously psychedelic goodies. The key to all of it would be the butter, of course, which is quite an endeavor to make properly. Then I would do all the baking, since I am a master baker and can make almost anything imaginable. After that the samples would be passed out, to get people hooked on the goods, and next thing you know, we're millionaire drug lords!

That's why it only happens on TV. It's a nice thought though, and would be even better if it was legal!

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