Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Lately I haven't wanted to use the pool because I can never just relax and swim. On a few occasions Rudy and I brought Delaney and got her wet, with only minor success, usually resulting in me having to take her home while Rudy and Afton continue swimming.

Last night I had the opportunity to take just Afton along, and after discovering she finally fit into one of her Coast Guard Approved life-vest floaty things, I was able to let her jump in without worrying about her instantly drowning.

Oh how nice it was to be able to swim unrestricted.

There was another father with his son in the pool as well, the boy being probably five years old. Afton became quite enamored with him and would not stop staring or saying Hi repeatedly. It was so cute, because after awhile, the boy came swimming up to Afton and they played with the ball he had in the water.

Of course when I went home and told Rudy about the little boy, he freaked out and said it was high time to go buy that shotgun.

Men and their little girls, so hilarious.

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